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ABOUT THE BLOG: This blog contains words and artwork from Timmy Morgan, allowing him to share his voice with the world. All content is Timmy's original work, posted by Margie Cavolina.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Families, Communities and Races

God's presence and power!!! We often speak on how much trust is put in him, but have we shared that caring, understanding and support from our hearts? Because it's our human nature and nothing more? In truth, we have been hypocrites in many ways. Not nearly close as friends or even neighbors on this planet, but very quick enemies and chosen strangers offering the harsh realities of malice in attitude and a bloodshed with violence. Programmed, motivated and inspired in the causes of the gun all across the world...but even more so, right here in our streets, businesses, homes and schools of these United States of America. Why? It seems as if it's become the most meaningful course of action to take with a display of emphasis..equivalent to the ideas of a wild wild western novel...isn't that something to think about? When will the evasiveness of responsibilities toward looking at the true state of these "dysfunctions" at it's core stop? We're not just following those "high-end" psychological analysis on various issues any longer. Let us look at ourselves as families, communities and races!!! In family there's the heirarchy that regulates from grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins and extended relatives through marriage. All of which is suppose to operate in the order of love and equality...However, there exists the presentation of selfish complexities that arises constantly. It is the duties of the knowledgeable to direct the impressionable with a moral compass and substance, but if it is done so by force and not of understanding, what is the lession??? That force is power!! Not right or wrong...but force!! So, as one goes out to interact with the rest of society the belief that whenever things aren't going our way we can incorporate force and make it otherwise. In community there's the developing regularity that anyone not of "that" community will be automatically looked at in suspicion to the possiblities of anything negative, instead of building a positive introduction about that person. Each neighborhood will block themselves off by lifestyles, attitudes and classes as a way of defining who we believe are more likeable than the rest in society and begin imitating the lessons of superficial and materialitsic values. "If you're not in my group" you're despicable kind of thinking. In race, there's the cultural and obvious differences of appearances, but the misconception and sick notion that either is better is simply because of what they look like and therefore creating this absurd competion of showcasing as if we're in a full on mating ritual of some sort. LOL It's really crazy once you think about it. To conclude...what are the "ghetto's" and the "boardwalks"? How do you see yourself in it? Are you really who you feel you've been? Is there a deeper calling surfacing in your spirit, leading you to the journey's of unanswered questions? The desire to be "noble" as the odds have been stacked against you in many endeavors? What are your thoughts about seeing systems put in place that emphasize only material success and de-emphasize their methods which serves to justify what takes place in the name of law and order, education, economics and lastly religion? Separatism through levels of continued classism? What roles do you enjoin with the acceptance of false advertisements of equal opportunity? What examples will you live by to rise above dismay? Will you become responsible for all children even when most of their own parents have not? Will you invest in the talents of all communities even if no one else cares to? Will you advocate love and prove to all communities that together we're the richest resource on the planet contrary to the stereotypes? Will you become a "nobody" and hate everyting about the world not knowing any better? Or worse, will you only follow your dreams become "somebody" and jus forget about everyone else? This should be a very great dialogue:) Thanks for participating...

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